UB Cares: A Day of Fun Through Stories and Games

CFSPI serves as the children’s temporary home where they go through counseling sessions and are supported while their cases are being tried in court. The varied activities being conducted to enhance academic, extra-curricular, and interpersonal activities are a great help to the children in coping with the trauma that they are presently facing.

Leading the activities are BSED and BPED students who applied their teaching skills as they conducted the activities they prepared for the children. The Social Studies majors promoted history and culture through story-telling and discussions. By sharing their knowledge, they hope to develop among the children appreciation and interest in the discipline.

The students of Bachelor in Physical Education, on the other hand, coached and played board games with the children, teaching them the values of concentration, strategy, camaraderie, and relaxation. There were also singing, dancing, and short exercises to make the activities more fun.

Organized by the Acropolitis organization and the Fitness Society, this activity is conducted through the UB CARES Program and is the 5th of a series of activities at the CFSPI for the School Year 2022-2023.  Through the generosity of alumni, faculty members, and private donors the activity ended with a turnover of board games, social studies books, musical instruments, and hygiene kits.

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