STELA Holds First Aid and Basic Life Support Training

The First aid and basic life support training for NSTP Teachers was held at the Centennial Building room H206, last April 06, 2024. It was attended not just by the NSTP teachers but also by the Student body of STELA and Some PE major students. Mr. Marc Ian Orduña, the trainer, together with MR. Alvin Palisoc, the facilitator, conducted the first aid training. 

In the morning, the trainer explained the importance and principles of first aid. The trainer provided an overview of various wounds and how to properly care for them. They also discussed the different kinds of bandages, with emphasis on the triangle bandage.

A triangle bandage is versatile in that it may be used for injured body parts, wounds, and burns; however, it should be noted that there are numerous techniques of folding and tying the bandage, as taught by the trainer, depending on which part of the body is injured, wounded, or burnt.

The trainer also discussed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), emphasizing the DR CAB (Danger Response Circulation Airway and Breathing) and compression. He emphasized that CPR for adults differs from CPR for infants and children.

In the afternoon, they demonstrated the proper usage of the spineboard and highlighted its importance. Following the demonstration, they asked five volunteers to demonstrate its use under Mr. Marc’s command. Four people act as responders, and one as an injured person. Four responders execute Mr. Marc’s command. They were instructed on how to transfer the patient on the spineboard and how to secure the torso with straps followed by the pelvis and upper legs.  They also secured the head using headblocks. After securing the patient, they went on to hoist the spineboard carrying the patient.

Following the discussion, the participants were split into two groups.
Mr. Alvin supervised the first group and taught the participants how to use triangle bandages. Meanwhile, Mr. Marc facilitated the second group. They were given a situation, and the participants utilized the DR CAB to determine what to do in the situation described by Mr. Marc.

After the first round, Mr. Alvin taught the second group bandaging, whereas Mr. Marc taught the first group situational CPR, with a target of 120 compressions in 60 seconds or one minute. After doing CPR, the participants placed the casualty in a recovery position.

The training ended with Ma’am Marianne Awarding the Certificate of the trainer and the facilitator.

Training in first aid is highly beneficial in preventing or reducing risk. Knowing when it may be needed is highly unpredictable; it could be for sudden choking, stroke, or any other emergency situation. Thus, it is vital that both students and teachers have sufficient knowledge in this area.

In the future, the school hopes to be able to hold a longer training session, including real-life situational simulation to allow the participants to apply what they have learned in a practical setting.

Written by Irah Cayetano

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